
Policy recommendations for EU Member States: How to set up a supportive national framework for local one-stop shops?

📉 According to the European Climate Neutrality Observatory, “progress on buildings has been far too slow” and achieving the zero-emission building stock by 2050 target means Member States have no time to lose.

🗒 The recent adoption of two major directives for the European Green Deal (the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) has given Member States a framework for reducing emissions and energy use in buildings across the EU, together with new targets, policies and tools.

🏡 Among other things, both Directives recognise one-stop shops (OSS) as a major tool for boosting home energy renovation. More specifically, Article 22 § 3 of the Energy Efficiency Directive urges Member States to create a “supportive framework [
] in particular for the creation of one-stop shops.”

đŸ€” You do not know what a supportive national framework for OSS should look like?

💡 Building on the experience and lessons learned ‘in the field’ by the five French Third-Party Financing companies (a specific local OSS model), SERAFIN association drafted key recommendations for Member States wishing to create a dream country for OSS. Here is what Member States should do!


Report on refinancing of building renovation loans of STFs

The document aims to achieve the goal of providing a refinancing solution for STF’s building renovation loans. It involves analyzing the business model and operational setup of the “Service Public de l’EfficacitĂ© EnergĂ©tique” (SPEE) in Hauts-de-France, exploring a financial structure to refinance SPEE’s direct loans. The findings highlight challenges in SPEE’s loan origination process, marketing strategy, and loan administration procedures. Additionally, it discusses the potential use of the securitization market for refinancing.


How to boost one-stop-shops for integrated home energy renovation in the EU?

2021 | Françoise RĂ©fabert – Energies Demain, Krushna Mahapatra – Built Environment and Energy Technology Linnaeus University, Jean-Charles Hourcade – Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environment et le Development (CIRED)

Among the set of public policy measures recommended by the European Energy Performance Building Directive, One-stop-shops for housing energy-efficient renovations (OSS) are outlined as “accessible and transparent advisory tools“, playing the role of a “trusted third party” and “aggregating housing renovation projects”.

However, the existing one-stop shops do not correspond to a standardised service offer, neither to energy savings thresholds, technical criteria, or quality of renovation specifications.

As homeowners do not particularly prioritise energy efficiency when they want to improve their homes, and their willingness to pay for advice is low, in advance of retrofits, most of one-stop shops need a support from the public sector. The envisaged revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is an opportunity to set stricter energy efficiency criteria for housing renovation. One-stop-shops, defined as services of general interest, would be a key measure to implement them on the ground in a way that is adapted to local conditions.


Read the report (in English)

Benchmark of existing initiatives in the field of quality control and compliance of high-performance renovation works in residential buildings in Europe

September 2021 | ORFEE

This benchmark aims to carry out an inventory and critical analysis of existing initiatives in the field of quality control and compliance of high-performance renovation works in residential buildings in Europe. It is the first deliverable of Work Package 2 of the ORFEE project. Its main challenge is to prefigure the quality and compliance framework of the ORFEE project.


L'utilisation des fonds structurels et de cohĂ©sion (FEDER) pour dĂ©velopper un instrument financier pour les prĂȘts Ă  la rĂ©novation de bĂątiments

 Décembre 2020 | ORFEE

L’un des objectifs du projet ORFEE est de faciliter l’utilisation du fonds europĂ©en de dĂ©veloppement rĂ©gional (FEDER) pour favoriser les rĂ©novations Ă©nergĂ©tiques performantes du secteur rĂ©sidentiel privĂ©. Aussi, le memorandum ci-dessous vise Ă  prĂ©senter :

  • le retour d’expĂ©rience de nombreux Conseils RĂ©gionaux concernant le recours au FEDER pour financer les politiques rĂ©gionales en faveur de la rĂ©novation Ă©nergĂ©tique du parc rĂ©sidentiel privĂ©, sur la pĂ©riode 2014-2020 ;
  • le contexte du marchĂ© de la rĂ©novation Ă©nergĂ©tique du parc privĂ© qui justifie le recours au FEDER ; 
  • les modalitĂ©s envisageables pour que le FEDER puisse contribuer au financement des dispositifs de conseil Ă  la rĂ©novation et soit utilisĂ© sous forme d’instrument financier. Le projet ORFEE est l’opportunitĂ© de rĂ©unir les parties prenantes de ce projet pour en dĂ©finir l’organisation.


Benchmark and recommendation memo regarding reporting to investors


The document provides an illustrative format for presenting loan portfolios to investors, focusing on characteristics and statistics of the Hauts-de-France Pass RĂ©novation program (SPEE). It highlights key figures based on data from the Service Public de l’EfficacitĂ© EnergĂ©tique (SPEE), emphasizing its impact on energy consumption reduction, CO2 emissions, job creation, and local economic development. It also includes analyses of collateral characteristics, prepayment rates, delinquencies, defaults, and restructured loans, aligning with the program’s goal of fostering sustainable real estate development in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals 13, 7, and 8.


Summary of the support provided to households and condominiums by integrated and coordinated energy renovation services

August 2021 | PUCA & ORFEE

The French Climate and Resilience Bill, adopted by the Parliament on 20 July, includes a set of measures to boost energy-efficient renovations and, in particular, the definition of consumer support missions.

In addition to the individual contributions to the preliminary consultation launched by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the partners of the ORFEE project and of the PUCA programme dedicated to global approaches to energy renovation of private housing, present their feedback on the support of households in this note, extracted from the current survey on the attractiveness criteria of their offers.

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Investments for the energy renovation of buildings in Europe

2021 | Juan Alario, GNE Finance

Investments for energy renovation of buildings have hardly increased in the past. These investments need to at least double (an increase of about €170 billion per year) to meet the EU’s energy and climate goals. There are strong barriers to this increase, including the low priority of energy investments for most building owners. Economic incentives, even if increased compared to the past, will not be sufficient to remove these barriers. New policies are needed, and the most important is the adoption of minimum performance standards for existing buildings. Well-targeted grants and loans will be an important complement to this new policy.

Read more (in French)

Review of existing approaches for the analysis of the impacts of fuel poverty on Population Health, for the National Observatory of Fuel Poverty

2019 | ONPE

A complex phenomenon, fuel poverty has cumulative effects and multiple consequences on the quality of life of households and on what are called “health determinants” (resources, housing, living environment, mobility, social cohesion, etc.). Fuel poverty thus impacts the health of households in a global sense. The characterization of these effects, but also of the effects of fuel poverty The characterization of these effects, but also of the effects of actions to combat fuel poverty, is therefore essential. In this perspective, the “Health and Fuel Poverty” sheet In this perspective, the “Health and Fuel Poverty” sheet proposes an overview of the work and methods experimented to date in France and in the English-speaking world. France and in the Anglo-Saxon world. Starting with a presentation of the economic and epidemiological approaches to epidemiological approaches to the health impacts of fuel poverty and actions to combat fuel poverty, other approaches are presented in order to make comparisons and to initiate a reflection on the and to initiate a reflection on the evaluation approaches adapted to the complex phenomenon of fuel poverty.


Third-Party Financing Companies: how it works?

Third-party financing companies are public or semi-public entities (majority-controlled by public authorities) whose aim is to offer coordination and support to individuals with a deep home energy retrofit project (single-family houses and condominiums). There are currently 6 of them, established by local or regional councils.


Innovating in the energy renovation of private housing: making access to the loan possible through technical support for the project

January 2020 | PUCA

Third-party financing companies offer individuals a comprehensive and integrated support package for energy renovation work. This report presents their results after several years of implementation.

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Policy recommendations : How to boost one-stop-shops for integrated home energy renovation in the EU?

May 2020 | Project INNOVATE

Policy recommendations: “How to boost one-stop-shops for integrated home energy renovation in the EU?”

A consensus has existed for several years on the identification of shortcomings, but it is not easy to specify what should and could be an effective one-stop shop activity, that would be commensurate with the political stakes and objectives of the transition to a low-carbon housing. This detailed analysis of the political barriers and drivers for the roll-out of one-stop-shops shall guide European and national policy-makers dealing with building policies.

Read the report (in English)

How to set up a one-stop-shop for integrated home energy renovation? A step-by-step guide for local authorities and other actors

June 2020 | Project INNOVATE

How to set up a one-stop-shop for integrated home energy renovation? A step-by-step guide for local authorities and other actors.

If you are part of an organisation that plans to launch a one-stop-shop, this guidebook is for you. You can find learnings from the project and recommendations that will help you to kick start your project. Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • What do we mean by ‘one-stop-shop’?
  • One-stop-shop business models: overview
  • One-stop-shop business models: pros and cons 
  • Role of local and regional authorities in setting up one-stop-shops
  • 15 recommendations for newcomers

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