

More one-stop shops to boost home energy renovation How to set up a supportive national framework for local one-stop shops? 📉 According to the European Climate Neutrality Observatory, “progress on buildings has been far too slow” and achieving the zero-emission...

1st EU Peers Summit

The European Union has an objective of achieving a zero-emission building stock by 2050. Such a target is realistic only if, from now on, we boost our renovation rates while aiming for the highest possible energy standards. But, especially in the residential sector,...

SERAFIN meetings on April 11, 2024 in Paris

The SERAFIN network invites you to take part in debates on French and European public policies, local initiatives fostering ambitious and affordable energy renovation for all, and bank financing of this drive. This is an opportunity for you to discover the local...

How to set up an integrated home renovation service?

Deep dive into the strategies & business models of the six French one-stop shops Peer-to-peer workshop: 20 June 2023 // 14h00 – 18h00 // La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Brussels, Belgium Networking cocktail: 18h00 – 20h00 This peer-to-peer workshop...

How to set up an integrated home renovation service?

Deep dive into the strategies & business models of the six French one-stop shops Peer-to-peer workshop: 20 June 2023 // 14h00 - 18h00 // La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Brussels, Belgium Networking cocktail: 18h00 - 20h00 This peer-to-peer workshop...

Journée des Serafin

13 avril 2023 | Paris Le contenu de cet evènement est réservé aux membres Serafin

Journée des Serafin

13 avril 2023 | Paris Le contenu de cet evènement est réservé aux membres Serafin