More one-stop shops to boost home energy renovation

How to set up a supportive national framework for local one-stop shops?

📉 According to the European Climate Neutrality Observatory, “progress on buildings has been far too slow” and achieving the zero-emission building stock by 2050 target means Member States have no time to lose.

🗒 The recent adoption of two major directives for the European Green Deal (the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) has given Member States a framework for reducing emissions and energy use in buildings across the EU, together with new targets, policies and tools.

🏡 Among other things, both Directives recognise one-stop shops (OSS) as a major tool for boosting home energy renovation. More specifically, Article 22 § 3 of the Energy Efficiency Directive urges Member States to create a “supportive framework […] in particular for the creation of one-stop shops.”

🤔 You do not know what a supportive national framework for OSS should look like?

💡 Building on the experience and lessons learned ‘in the field’ by the five French Third-Party Financing companies (a specific local OSS model), SERAFIN association drafted key recommendations for Member States wishing to create a dream country for OSS. Here is what Member States should do:

1. Ensure the coherence and long-term stability of public home energy

renovation policies.

2. Make the provision of advice and support to households on home energy

renovation a public service.

3. Support local and regional authorities with setting up local one-stop shops.

4. Make stable, clear and simple public funding schemes for deep renovation

and the creation and operation of local one-stop shops accessible to all.

5. Make sure every citizen has access to long-term financing.

Take a deeper dive into our policy recommendations for EU Member States, and for France in particular, here.